Carmine Santimone, was born on January 15, 1984, and at the age of 8 he approached the world of music starting to play the piano; at ten he began studying the guitar, which will forever remain his instrument for the purposes of his own artistic achievement.
He graduated in classical guitar with full marks at the Salerno State Music Conservatory, and studied Jazz guitar at the Sain Louis Music College in Rome.
He participates in seminars with international guitarists such as Mike Stern, Scott Henderson, Guthrie Govan, Paolo Patrignani, Eddy Palermo, Ciro Manna, Luca Colombo, Massimo Varini, Frank Gambale, William Stravato, Carlo Fimiani, etc …
From 2006 to 2008 he participated in various international classical guitar competitions, always positioning himself in the first places. From 2000 to today he has carried out an intense Session Man activity in various jazz, and other, ensembles…
He is currently a guitar teacher at the “A. Gatto” high school, in Agropoli (Salerno, Italy).